PIRAVI PAYAN ADAINTHEERGAL Thanks so much for translating in English. We request you to kindly forward to all who are concerned and make you be available o. I came to know that the same festival celebratd on the same day in Ethiopia and Somalia - quite possibly due to their trade links with ancient Tamil Kingdoms of Cheran, Cholan and Pandian.?o?Ao?E A?E O?o?E?o?y?CoA?E §A?Oo ☚?uE?E?o? A?y?E »?Ei ¦?Oo?Eo Oo?A?o?Ao?E §A?uU?y thiruumanthiram. Sivayanama!iTab Technologies blessed with opportunity to bring this digitized version of ancient wisdom Thirumanthiram. In short, it is a Tamil encyclopedia of philosophical and spiritual wisdom rendered in verse form. It fulfills the meaning of the word “Tantra” a “web” which joins the spiritual and the material dimensions of life.
ITab Technologies blessed with opportunity to bring this.