Weapons are the most dangerous forms of contraband your prison can hold. Weapons For more information on Attack Power, see Toughness. There are four types of contraband that can be found: Weapons, Tools, Narcotics, and Luxuries.
Please help contribute by uploading relevant images, and adding them to this Article. This Article would benefit from the addition of one or more images. digging Escape Tunnels, getting high or killing guards and other prisoners. by smuggling it into the prison or stealing it from its facilities, and it can be used for various purposes, e.g. Punishments can be altered if you research the Policy through Security from Bureaucracy.Ĭontraband can be obtained through various ways, e.g. If a Guard does find contraband on a prisoner, then a sound will play notifying you of the discovery, followed by a color coded pop-up notification, and finally an item will appear in your to-do list stating how many prisoners are in Lockdown or Solitary as punishment. Contraband is any item that should not be in the possession of your prisoners.